18th-century network meeting for doctoral/PhD students

Invitation to an 18th-century network meeting for doctoral/PhD students at Lund University and the University of Copenhagen (the following is in Danish).

Research into the 18th century has grown in recent years. At Lund University and the University of Copenhagen, several doctoral students from different disciplines work on dissertations with the 18th century as the focal point.

In September, we will therefore be hosting a network meeting for doctoral students in the Öresund region, where participants across disciplines and institutions can present their research projects to each other. First and foremost, however, it's about getting to know each other, making new contacts, and creating new opportunities for collaboration across the Öresund.

The network meeting is based on the existing collaboration between the two universities, and the idea is to create a basis for increased professional interaction and collaborations between different scientific disciplines and the research environments in Copenhagen and Lund. Anyone in the Öresund region writing a dissertation on the 18th century is welcome – whether you have just started or are about to finish.


The final program will be sent out after the registration deadline, but the main program items will be:

  • Sessions with short presentations of the participants' dissertation projects.
  • Joint dinner in the evening at the Saxo Institute.

Participants must prepare a short presentation of their dissertation project (max. 15 minutes). We encourage Danish, Swedish or Norwegian speakers to present in their native Scandinavian language, while non-Scandinavian participants are most welcome to present their work in English.

How to register

The deadline for registration is Friday, 16 August, 2024. To register, please email Jesper Jakobsen stating your name, institution, and the title of your research project.